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World Pneumonia Day 2024

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World Pneumonia Day is observed annually on November 12 and is a global effort to educate people about the disease and its effects. On this day, health organisations, together with ordinary people, try to educate, raise awareness and promote advocacy that pneumonia is curable. It requires awareness to combat the disease, especially in children aged five and below.

World Pneumonia Day Significance

Pneumonia is a treatable disease, yet a child dies from it every 20 seconds around the world. World Pneumonia Day provides a significant platform to educate the public about the disease, its symptoms, and possible treatment options. This underlines that pneumonia is a dangerous and lethal infection that could occur anywhere, anytime. In addition, it provides a platform for activists, groups, and individuals to work together in awareness campaigns. This is a global observance, of great relevance, happening in November annually.

The theme for World Pneumonia Day 2024 is “Championing the fight to stop pneumonia”.

Types of Pneumonia

Bacterial pneumonia: This is caused by bacteria like Streptococcus pneumonia and Haemophilus influenza or Staphylococcus aureus.

Viral pneumonia: Often associated with influenza virus or RSV.

Mycoplasma pneumonia: It is caused by Mycoplasma pneumonia and is milder. The infection is often known as “walking pneumonia”.

Fungal pneumonia: This condition is caused by breathing of environmental fungal spores.

Aspiration Pneumonia: This infection happens when food or liquid substances are inhaled into the lungs.

Hospital-acquired pneumonia: You may contract this infection if you come in contact with an infected person in a hospital setting.

Community-acquired pneumonia: Occurs in the community and affects everyone who is a part of that group or community.

Pneumonia Symptoms: Fever, cough, chest pain, difficulty in breathing,  fatigue, confusion, and bluish lips or nails in severe cases.

Measures to combat pneumonia

Influenza and pneumococcal pneumonia vaccines.

Maintain good hygiene by frequent handwashing.

Stay away from sick people.

Cover the mouth and nostrils when sneezing or coughing.

Build a healthy immune system using a balanced diet, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep.

Give up smoking and cut down on alcohol.

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